Grab your family and a few friends and get ready to jog on Saturday, June 15 at Bloomer Park for this year’s Rochester Hills Government Youth Council 5k run/walk.
Beaumont Health System and Sola Life & Fitness have joined with the Council to host the fifth race, which will take place from 8:30-10:30 a.m.
Each year, the Council chooses a beneficiary to receive the 5k proceeds, Mary Jo Pachla of the Council said, and the Boys & Girls Club of Troy has been selected again, and is the only organization to benefit this year.
“The (Boys & Girls Club of Troy) provides services to area youth, including many Rochester Hills students,” she said.
Race proceeds will increase development programs as well as make scholarships for these programs available for Rochester Hills’ youth to attend.
Past race beneficiaries have included the Rochester Area Neighborhood House, the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital—in memory of former Rochester Adams High School student Dillon Cope as well as the Brain Injury Association of Michigan Veterans Program.
But the 15-member Council could not raise the money they do without the support of local business and organizations, Pachla said. And Beaumont Health System with Sola Life & Fitness are the top sponsors this year.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for this year’s race, there is still time.
Sponsors can have their name and logo appear on raced day T-shirts and banners up to Friday, May 24, Pachla said.
Be sure to visit the Council site for sponsor forms and race details.
“The 5K is a fine finish to the (Council’s) year,” Pachla said, “which is filled with projects.”
Some of the other activities that have kept the group busy include a safe driving project, voter registration drives, the upcoming Passport to Fun Night on Friday, May 17—a night out for students and more.
But the annual 5k race is “by far the largest event they host,” Pachla said.
While a few Council members will take to the course on race day, most will be busy manning the tent and helping elsewhere as “our ‘running’ occurs behind the scenes!” Pachla said.
For more race information and to register, visit