Leader Dogs for the Blind Embarks on a Nearly $15 Million Construction Project

Perfectly timed to coincide with International Guide Dog Day on Wednesday, April 29, Leader Dogs for the Blind announced that they are expanding their Rochester Hills facility to 75,000-square-feet.

They have already raised $12.3 million of the $14.5 million needed to complete the project, and they are hoping to raise the remaining $2.2 million so that construction can be completed by next year. The much needed updates will make room for more dogs, which will encourage socialization and cohabitation, and help reduce stress for the service animals.

Read the full story on The Oakland Press.

About Sarah Hovis

Freelance wordsmith, arts appreciator, grammar geek, sports spectator, stationery snob, and world traveler, Sarah charts her own course as the owner of saliho creative. She uses her creative mind and engaging dialogue to fearlessly bring the written word to life in print and onlineā€¦ all while keeping a watchful eye out for the next literary adventure. You can reach her at sarah@rochestermedia.com.

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