Learn Beekeeping at Cranberry Lake Farm

How to raise your own bees? This program is being held in the Hen House at Cranberry Lake Farm (CLF), located at 388 W. Predmore Rd. in Oakland Township. The Historic District Commission (HDC) maintains the historic farmstead as it develops into a community historical center. “The farmstead has so much to offer in the way of telling our agricultural history,” said Mario Ogu, Oakland University intern working for the HDC to help promote Cranberry Lake Farm.

A bee lands on a flower

Learn to Keep Bees

The beekeeping classes are on the second Saturday – May 11, June 8, July 13, and August 10 – from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m., held inside the Hen House with optional trips to visit the hives within walking distance. There is a$5.00 fee per person. “We will cover the basics of bees and bee health, beehives and maintenance, and of course, harvesting honey,” said Preston Zale, Master Beekeeper.

Cranberry Lake Farm, a 16-acre farm listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is complete with a main house, caretaker house, Flumerfelt Barn, carriage barn, spring house, greenhouse, hen house, hatchling house, reflection pond, and more. The operation and maintenance of CLF is funded by voter-approved millage for Historic District Operating in order to preserve this historic site.

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