Every second Saturday in May, letter carriers in more than 10,000 cities and towns across America collect non-perishable food donations left by the mailboxes of their postal customers, who participate in the NALC Stamp Out Hunger National Food Drive — the largest one-day food drive in the nation. The food is delivered to an area food bank or pantry, where it is available for needy families.
Once again this year, the food collected by letter carriers in the Rochester area will be given to The Neighborhood House Food Pantry, located at 1315 N. Pine Street in Rochester. In each of the last few years, Neighborhood House received over 25 tons of much needed food donations from these drives. The timing is critical: low-income families face an increased need for food during the summer months as children who receive free breakfast and lunch at school, will be home every day. With incomes already stretched to the limit, these families can find relief at Neighborhood House. Last year the Food Pantry distributed almost buy Viagra 100mg online 200,000 pounds of food in this community. The NALC Food Drive is more important than ever to local neighbors in need. Currently, the number of households seeking food assistance is up 10% compared to the first quarter of 2015. Items that are especially needed include pasta, pasta sauce, rice, canned peaches & pears, applesauce, peanut butter, tuna, cereal, oatmeal and canned mixed vegetables.
To donate, postal customers can place a box or can of non-perishable food next to their mailbox before the letter carrier delivers mail this Saturday, May 14. The mail carrier will transmit the donation to the food pantry. Supporters may also look for trucks with the Stamp Out Hunger sign parked near local super markets. Neighborhood House volunteers will station collection trucks throughout the delivery area so everyone can participate. To learn more about how you can help, visit the SignUp Genius Link or contact Debra Cole, the food pantry manager, by phone (248)656-4904 or email foodpantry@ranh.org.