Letter to the Editor about District 2 in Rochester Hills

Dear Editor,

As some readers are aware, I recently ran in the primary for Rochester Hills City Council, District 2. I had the opportunity to meet with both the other candidates and spend substantial time with them at events and forums during the campaign season. It is within that context that I write this letter to the residents of district 2 to consider voting for Adam Kochenderfer.
The city of Rochester Hills faces difficult times in the next few years as our revenue continues to decline. We are in need of strong leadership to guide the city through these times. Equally important to leadership though is the experience and background to accomplish their vision. Mr. Kochenderfer has demonstrated experience and leadership in his professional and civic pursuits. He is the only candidate with the ability to understand and provide effective management to the city’s budget. He doesn’t require a learning curve in order to be effective, electing Adam puts experience in the seat immediately.

I ran my campaign on authenticity and a desire to be pragmatic in our decision making at the council level. I firmly believe that Mr. Kochenderfer is authentic in his pursuit to consistently make Rochester Hills the premier place to live, work, and raise a family. Additionally, his professional background leads him to a pragmatic approach to solving city issues that will face us.

Above all else though, Adam has always been willing to listen and seriously consider differing points of view. I have seen on numerous occasions that his ability to listen to all sides without discounting any leads to the best solutions for the stakeholders. If you felt that a pragmatic and authentic individual was exactly what we needed to represent district 2, I humbly ask you to consider Adam Kochenderfer for your vote.

Jordan Kotubey

Rochester Hills

About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at info@rochestermedia.com.

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