I was born and raised in the City of Rochester Hills and have been blessed to work for the City for over 27 years. During that time I have seen many changes.
On November 3 residents will cast their votes for Mayor for the next 4 years. I would like to encourage you to write-in Bryan Barnett for Mayor.
Bryan has been the Mayor for the last nine years. Under his leadership, the City has experienced unprecedented successes:
- AAA bond rating, the highest possible
- Lowest tax rates for similar communities
- Safest city in the State of Michigan
- High technology companies that added 5,000 new jobs in our city
- Historically low unemployment rates
- #1 recycling community
- Outstanding roads and parks
- One of the fastest rising property values
- Top 10 best places to live in the nation by Money Magazine.
I have worked for many mayors over the years and can honestly say none has cared more about our community and the people who live here than Bryan Barnett. He is a smart business man with integrity and ironclad moral values. He is a family man and the most approachable guy you’ll ever meet.
I am proud to say I’m from Rochester Hills and a graduate from Rochester Adams High School. Please consider casting your vote for Bryan Barnett by writing him in and filling in the circle next to it.
Thank you,
Karen Somerville
I wouldn’t disagree with most of what you say. Generally things are run pretty well. I do have issues with the longer term planning of the city. We don’t seem to value our heritage and are quick to tear down historic homes. That said, I am still leaning toward the Mayor. The one thing that might change my mind is the negative campaigning. There is no place for that in a non-partisian city election.
Brenda, thanks for your comment…
Ravi Yalamanchi City Council voting record; City Council minutes up at City Hall.
Ravi Yalamanchi… voted yes to rezone single family residential property to mental care zoning FB1 (flexible business zoning), and the destruction of a historic home on that property on South Boulevard. This property was designated by the City as a historical resource.
note: our City’s Historic Preservation Commission voted unanimously to save this house… Ravi ignored our citizen historic experts at the City Council meeting… 🙁