Letter to the Editor: Firefighters Support Bryan Barnett

Mayoral candidate Ravi Yalamanchi recently sent a mailer to residents of Rochester Hills insinuating that he has the support of the local Rochester Hills Fire Department. That IS NOT Rochester Hills FD. Where he got that picture. Who knows? The Rochester Hills Professional Fire Fighters Local #3472 does NOT support Ravi. He has a bad record of not supporting Public Safety in Rochester Hills.

Please stop using firefighters in your campaign.

In a recent op-ed Ravi said, “Recently a negative piece was sent out about me indicating that I voted NO for Police and Fire.” Moreover he states that “How would anyone not support their Police and Fire departments?” Well Mr. Yalamanchi, did you forget your entire comments from the Oct. 20, 2014, Rochester Media website? In that OpEd Ravi said, “I am voting no on the proposal.”

Your lack of support for public safety was made very clear. You did not support the fire department when over 70 percent of the residents did. You did not support making Rochester Hills a safer place to work, live or raise a family.

Rochester Hills was recently named the safest city in Michigan and we did not achieve this by accident. We have the leadership in place that’s dedicated to public safety and we need to keep it that way. Ravi, your policies and lack of support for public safety are too risky for the residents of Rochester Hills.

The Rochester Hills Fire Department local 3472 is proud to endorse the only candidate who supports public safety in Rochester hills and that candidate is Bryan Barnett.

Now is not the time to try something new in Rochester Hills. Let’s keep a good thing going and write-in Bryan Barnett for Mayor of Rochester Hills on November 3rd.

Paul Wright, President – Rochester Hills Professional Fire Fighters Local 3472

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  1. “Insinuates?” RHFD endorsement? Just got the flier this morning. Where is it?
    There’s an endorsement from a director of Emergency Serves training for Oakland area agency. A generic picture of helmets, and Ravi’s record on cost savings to put MORE $$ into funding services for faster response times.
    Confused. Please explain, otherwise, looks like the union got duped into making false claims and getting into mud slinging with Barnett.
    Residents just fought to pass a millage for first responders. Why would the union risk offending the people that support them?

    • Margaret; What the heck are you talking about. Re read the article. Ravi is sending out fliers with false assumptions and the Union and Part-time Firefighters DO NOT support Ravi or has Ravi supported them only when he needs them for campaign literature.

      • Barbara – you clearly did not see the flier they are claiming to be so offensive. There simply is no claim or insinuation by Ravi that the local union supports. He did not use pictures of them or their equipment. This is really nonsense. Barb – you don’t know what you’re talking about “Ravi is sending out fliers with false assumptions ” – so, where are they? Where are these fliers? They do not exist.
        you’re merely accepting the “claim” that there’s a claim by Ravi. It is not so.
        You are falling into the fake social media outrage machine.
        Let’s get outraged because someone told me to get outraged about something.
        That the union endorsed the current Mayor – that’s fine, and they have every right to do so.
        That they make false claims about non-existent offensive fliers? Not cool, and does not help community spirit or trust.

    • If Ravi had his way, EMS would be privatized and fire related supression would be by Volunteers. so in a city of 72,000 his system would fail day 1. A lot of People would die. To be a top 10 city in the country you have to have exceptional services. Its well known Ravi wants “cost savings” aka cuts. In return you would no longer live in a safe or highly regarded city.

  2. Lorraine McGoldrick says

    Support can come in many different ways and getting more for our dollar is wonderful. Ravi has a different plan to get the some results without increase of $$$. That does not mean he is not supporting the women and men in blue and or brown.

    Barnett has an “Emperor’s New Clothes” complex

  3. Gerri McHale says

    mr. Yalamanchi is evidently another “politician” which people usually have no problem in lying, exaggeration or kissing babies if it will help them get elected. I rest my case, except to say … Go Mayor Barnett.

  4. Ravi Yalamachi served for YEARS on the council and yet his plan to “get results”. That ultimately means either his ideas weren’t good ones or he failed to persuade others as to their effectiveness. Can someone who cant conceive of and/or inspire others with his ideas effectively lead? I think not.

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