Letter to the Editor – Senior Support for Mayor Barnett

To the Editor:

As seniors in Rochester Hills, my wife and I strongly support Mayor Barnett as a write-in candidate for the election this November. We are both active in OPC and feel very fortunate to have such an outstanding senior center with so many services. When friends and family come to visit from out of town, they are always amazed by the things we have for seniors in our city.

Since we began going to OPC on a regular basis, we have seen Mayor Barnett show his support in a number of ways. We love his Mondays with the Mayor meetings and try to attend whenever we can to keep up-to-date on what is happening in our city. The Mayor also supports our annual picnic every year by bringing and grilling the hotdogs for our rather large group. Many of our friends and the people we talk to feel the same, Mayor Barnett is always there for the senior community in Rochester Hills.

Thank you for the opportunity to share our support of Mayor Barnett, and to encourage our fellow seniors to keep a good thing going by writing in Bryan Barnett for Mayor of Rochester Hills this November.

Ross & Darlene Robinson

Rochester Hills Residents and OPC Volunteers


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  1. It’s sweet that Barnett’s grandparents Ross and Darlene support their grandson.
    But, not exactly unbiased view.

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