Letter to the Editor: Time for a Change

Ravi Yalamanchi has my vote for Mayor of Rochester Hills for the following reasons. As a resident for over 30 years and a local practicing attorney, I find Ravi, a refreshing change. Ravi is the polar opposite from the current Mayor’s constant self-promotion and indifference to the intent of the voters as to the preservation of our parks and green space. Further I find it unacceptable that the current Mayor has cheapened the intent of our City charter and recent amendments (prohibition against oil & gas drilling) and continued his advancement of cronyism during his administration of nearly 10 years. Time for a change.

Ravi has the educational, employment history and integrity needed to preserve the nature and beauty of our City while remaining ever vigilant to the budget, growth and previous waste of our tax dollars.

Ravi’s opposition has sent countless desperate negative mailings claiming that Ravi is anti-public safety while the exact opposite is true. Ravi has demonstrated without question that his voting record on the City budget is sound by his unwavering resolve to discontinue wasteful spending, such as the 911 dispatching replication. Ravi has and always will be dedicated to the efficient and strong public safety of our community.

Ravi will be an attentive and available mayor to our citizens and not special interests. Ravi is about our community and the best interests of moving our City forward. I urge you to examine the facts and I hope you will agree that Ravi Yalamanchi is the best choice for mayor.

Stephen J. Kirksey

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