Letter to the Editor: Yalamanchi’s Mayoral Campaign Run with Quiet Dignity

How often do you hear people saying that they are ready for some positive change when it comes to our government and elected officials? We are ready for campaigns and governing to start getting real, making some sense and showing some honesty and integrity. We all know only to well that these things are very rare in today’s political world.

With this in mind, we want to thank and commend Ravi Yalamanchi on his mayoral campaign. He has run a campaign with the quiet dignity that he will bring to the office of mayor. His campaign has been a break from ‘business as unusual’ and has been a breath of fresh air.

Most telling has been watching Ravi navigate a recent barrage of negative campaigning (business as usual) in the form of mailed flyers and robo calls that inaccurately portray Ravi and state that he has voted against the police/fire departments and public safety. Instead of responding back in kind, Ravi took the high road. He took time to put out the facts (he voted against city budgets never against public safety officials) so that we, the public could have the best and most accurate information when making our choice for Mayor on November 3rd. The Intentional putting out of incorrect and misleading information during a campaign, is never helpful to anyone seeking to make a good and informed decision.

Through it all, Ravi continues to run his campaign with the leadership, insight, skill and grace we so badly need in our mayors office and political life. Thank you so very much Ravi, we are very ready for this change and yes, the best is yet to come…

Please join us in voting for Ravi Yalamanchi on November 3rd.

Andy Krupp and Pamela Bratton Wallace Krupp

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