Due to a change of residence, Trustee Anna Biliti has resigned from the Rochester Hills Public Library Board of Trustees. Douglas A. Tull, President of Board said “Anna has been an extremely valuable and active member of the board and will be greatly missed.” Tull announced today that the remaining members are seeking a qualified person to fill the vacancy for the term ending 2015.
The applicant must be 18 years of age or older, an American citizen and a resident of the city of Rochester Hills. He or she also must be able to attend the evening meetings of the board held on the second Monday of each month and be able to assume board responsibilities. Persons with previous experience in governance, interest in library affairs and who have a keen desire to serve the greater Rochester community should consider applying. This is a volunteer position and is non-compensated.
A full description of responsibilities is available through the office of Christine L. Hage, Library Director. “I would be happy to talk to people interested in being appointed and to answer any questions they may have,” said Hage. Interested persons should contact Mrs. Hage at 248-650-7122 or at Christine.Hage@rhpl.org by May 31, 2014 to be considered. Personal interviews of qualified persons will be held prior to recommendation to the full board for approval.
The proceeding information was provided by the Rochester Hills Public Library.