Lisa Brown, Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds, Wins 2016 Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties

Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds Lisa Brown has won a 2016 Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties for a first of its kind land records alert system, Property Records Notification (PRN).

Oakland County Clerk Lisa Brown

Oakland County Clerk Lisa Brown

A winner in the Civic Education and Public Information category, PRN allows residents, professionals and law enforcement officials to receive timely notifications if any document of interest is filed at the Oakland County Register of Deeds Office. PRN is offered free of charge and available to anyone who wishes to sign up. Search terms that will trigger an email alert can be the user’s name, address, parcel identification number – any information given in a document. PRN can be used by numerous public and private interests. For example, law enforcement can track the activity of someone suspected of deed fraud and real estate agents can be alerted to activity in different communities. “Deed fraud is on the rise,” Brown stated. “I wanted a program that would be helpful to our homeowners. People check their credit scores and are alerted to potential fraud on their credit cards, but don’t check the title of their property.” Register online at

The National Association of Counties (NACo) has recognized innovative programs in county government through the Achievement Awards Program for over 40 years. The awards program provides an opportunity for counties to promote successes and share best practices.

In 2015, Brown’s office won a NACo Achievement Award in the County Administration Management category for her discounted fee policy for vital records. The program reduces or waives fees to obtain vital records for residents facing financial hardship or other crises and who receive services from an accredited social service agency. Each participating agency must be registered with the clerk’s office.

For more information on PRN and other services available through the Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds Office please call 248-858-0561 or visit

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  1. Jack Schneider says

    A well deserved award to my favorite Clerk.

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