It is comforting to experience that you don’t have to be an expert to succeed. Pastor Jim got a buck his very first time deer hunting. He wasn’t in his prearranged location, he hadn’t shot the gun before, and his only bait was a Twinkie wrapper that he had dropped. He didn’t realize until later how amazing of an experience that was. It is not so comforting to realize that it is difficult to succeed in life. We will go through difficult times. These times don’t have to be because of wrong choices or even personal failure. It is just that life can get pretty interesting some days. It is those days that we might not like what we are or even who we are. Those times are SMH days – shake my head days – days we wonder what has happened. In John 16, Jesus is talking to His disciples. He says, “A little while, and ye shall not see me; and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father” (verse 16). Jesus loves His disciples and He is trying to prepare them. The timing is right before He is sold and crucified. It is right before their whole world would be turned around. They had to be wondering, “What is this not see you, see you stuff.” They were understandably confused. Theologians have also wondered the meaning Jesus said, “A little while, and ye shall not see me.”of Jesus’ words. Was He referring to His death and resurrection or was he referring to His second coming? Either way, the disciples were going to face the worst day of their lives.
Pastor Jim Combs of The River Church and Dr. Randy Johnson of Oakland Christian School combine their talents to bring us this special book. It is a must read for anyone who has gone through certain times in their lives where they wondered if they would succeed.
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