Local health-related charities and foundations you can give to this holiday season

If you plan to add a local nonprofit or a few organizations to your holiday gift list this year, we have just the thing for you.

webThis week, we have gathered a group of health-related charities in need of a little holiday love. From children’s groups to better health for the entire community, the options are boundless.

Maybe you don’t have the extra funds to donate this year—Not to worry. One of our favorite things to do is celebrate Christmas in July. Since so many organizations receive an influx of gifts and compassion this time of year, showing the love six months from now can be refreshing when places like shelters might be running low on supplies.

Have a great group who isn’t on our list? Let us know and we will be certain to add it!

Check out www.michigan.healthcharities.org and www.greatnonprofits.org for more ideas!

Here are a few local health-related charities and foundations you might donate to this holiday season:

Picture 13Alliance for a Healthier Generation: Their goal is to reduce the growing prevalence of childhood obesity and to empower kids nationwide to make healthy lifestyle choices. You can hop over to their site at www.healthiergeneration.org for more information.


Picture 23Band of Angels Foundation:  Band of Angels Foundation is a group who celebrates those with Down Syndrome. And they are found right here in Rochester Hills. Want to learn more? Visit www.bandofangels.com or 248-377-9309




Picture 19Rainbow Connection: The Rainbow Connection grants wishes to Michigan children with life threatening or terminal illnesses. To see some of the happy memories they have made possible, you’ll want to visit their website at www.rainbowwishconnection.org. You can also call 248-601-9474.



Picture 20Teacher’s Pet: Teacher’s Pet is a local group that pairs emotionally-impaired students, middle school through high school, with shelter dos who have behavior problems. According to their site (www.teacherspetmichigan.org), these students acquire new skills while also providing a home for these pups who are deemed difficult to adopt. To learn more, visit www.teacherspetmichigan.org or call 248-930 – 2909.


Picture 21The Star Foundation: This group has one goal: to empower women. And starting at a young age, the Star Foundation teaches girls the importance of living a healthy lifestyle—both mind and body. You can check out their online site at www.foundationofstars.org or give them a call at 248-971-4888.

About Jen Bucciarelli

Veggie lover and aspiring word chef, reporter Jen Bucciarelli covers all things health and medicine for Rochester Media and The Community Edge. She is always on the hunt for local experts who can help improve the lives of our readers. Send her a note at JenBucciarelli@gmail.com.

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