Local Scouts Donate Time and Money to Rochester Community House

An amazing landscape was designed and put in place around the gazebo at Rochester Community House by Geoffrey S. Williston, an Eagle Scout from Troy Troop 1707, and some of his scout buddies. Sculpting out this beautiful design, these Eagle Scouts planted all the plants and flowers in a single day in 93 degree weather.

With a can drive in his surrounding neighborhoods, Geoff raised over $1000 for this project and donated the leftover money to Rochester Community House.

Dick Bourez, a board member at Rochester Community House and building committee chairman worked with Geoff and his friends on their landscaping project. He congratulates Geoff at the end of the day next to the completed project.

Located at 816 Ludlow in downtown Rochester, the Rochester Community House is your place in the park. For more information, visit www.rochestercommhouse.org or become a fan on Facebook.
L to R: Dick Bourez, Mary Lee Kowalczyk and Eagle Scout Geoffrey Willston. Dick is a Rochester Community House Board member and Building Committee Chairman.

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