Local Swim Organization Uses Team Picture Day to Feed Hungry

Local Swim Organization Uses Team Picture Day to Feed Hungry

Liquid Lightning, a swim club based out of Lake Orion, held a food drive coinciding with their annual Team Picture Day on March 3. Team Picture Day is wonderful opportunity when the entire six-group team of nearly 200 swimmers is all together.  The drive was a huge success, filling an entire minivan in less than 30 minutes.

Liquid Lightning Swim Team held a food drive for the Baldwin Center

Liquid Lightning Swim Team held a food drive for the Baldwin Center

The Baldwin Center – a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization offering more than 25 support programs that meet basic needs, offer assistance in a crisis, provide education and enrichment opportunities for adults and children – was the recipient of the large donation.

The swimmers purchased and donated canned foods, laundry soap, diapers, baby wipes, coffee and other non-perishable food items. The donation was hauled in by Baldwin Center volunteers by the cartloads, transforming their nearly-bare food pantry into a room so overflowing with supplies that its door could barely be shut.

Lori White, development director at the Baldwin Center said, “On behalf of the Baldwin Center, I would like to thank the team members of Liquid Lightning for their generosity. Your donation of time, talent and treasure enables the Baldwin Center to continue our Vision, Promise and Belief.”

To help encourage the naturally competitive spirit of the swimmers, the group with the largest donation (as a percentage) won Culver’s custard coupons for a free two-scoop, two topping sundae. Liquid Lightning’s Cyclone group won this year’s prize.

“We have a team of incredibly dedicated kids. To see them use their intense focus to help their community was inspiring. They’re champions in and out of the pool,” said Liquid Lightning Coach Ray Onisko.

Liquid Lightning ranked as one of the state’s top swim teams with a fourth-place overall finish at the 12 & Under Short Course 2016 State Championships, held March 11-13 at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan.

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