Looking for 1967 Crittenton Babies

Were you or someone you know born at Crittenton Hospital in 1967?

Rochester Media and the Community Edge are gathering information to run a story on “Where are they today.”

To celebrate Crittenton turning 50 years old next month, we would like to hear from as many of those born in 1967 at Crittenton as possible. Email us at editor@RochesterMedia.com with your date of birth and we’ll be in touch soon.

Looking for Crittenton Babies from 1967

Looking for Crittenton Babies from 1967

About Rochester Media

Rochester Media publishes The Community Edge digital newsletter of recently posted articles from Rochester Media, a hyper-local news outlet covering all things in and around Rochester, Rochester Hills, and Oakland Township. Send us you press releases and news happenings to editor@rochestermedia.com.

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