Lyon Gear receives DTE Energy Rebate and so can You

Most everyone likes to save money and energy. Did you know that as a DTE Energy customer you can apply for rebates for energy saving improvements to your home or business?

Incentive programs are available for Michigan businesses. According to the DTE Energy website: “Incentives are available for an array of energy-saving technologies, both electric and gas. Choose from a prescriptive menu of projects with pre-set incentives. This project menu includes incentives for energy-efficient lighting, motors and drives, controls, heating ventilation and air conditioning, refrigeration and more.”

You may even apply for a free programmable thermostat. By setting a programmable thermostat to heat 10 degrees lower at night, a customer may save on average 10% off the annual heating bill.

DTE also has opportunities for custom programs for your business: “To be eligible, custom measures must reduce net electric and/or gas energy consumption by improving system efficiency. Projects that save energy by reducing service levels do not qualify. Custom incentives are paid based on the project’s first year energy savings.”

Lyon Gear in Oakland Township/Rochester took advantage of the DTE incentive program by replacing lighting and lighting fixtures. Bill Clemens, Marketing Program Manager for DTE, explained how Lyon Gear used the “Prescriptive” options to replace “light for light” and “fixture for fixture.” Their rebate was for $2,725.00 and would pay for itself in 18 months.

Residential customers have opportunities as well to save energy and apply for rebates. “A home energy audit is the first step to determine how much energy your house uses and what improvements you should make to save money and energy.”

Lighting, weatherization, insulation and new appliances are just some of the ways to participate in the incentive programs with DTE. The rebates only help offset the cost; the return on investment is the bigger saver over time.

Bill Clemens suggests interested home and business owners “put their application in early” and understand that it is a “first come, first serve” program that starts in January of each year. Since 2008 when the incentives started in Michigan, 7,500 applications have been approved and $27 million has been paid out.

For more information on the program and to download the rebate application, visit the DTE Energy website:

Michael Dwyer is a freelance writer and travel columnist. Michael writes about happenings in the Rochester area, travels across Michigan and destinations around the world. Contact him at

Lyon Gear was unavailable for comment. Information was provided by DTE Energy.

About Michael Dwyer

Michael Dwyer is a freelance content provider. Michael writes about happenings in the Rochester area, travels across Michigan and destinations around the world. Contact him at

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