Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson urges families to download and fill out an emergency plan during Severe Weather Awareness Week in Oakland County which takes place April 10-16, 2016. Just go to www.OakGov.com/HomelandSecurity and click on the link for the Family Emergency Plan.
“When families, schools and businesses are prepared for severe weather, it saves lives and property,” Patterson said. “In fact, we’ve made it easy for every family to have an emergency plan. Just go to our website, print the severe weather plan, and fill in your family’s vital information. It just takes a few minutes.”
Patterson declared the week of April 10-16, 2016 as in Oakland County. The county’s Homeland Security Division will engage in various public education activities that week. Plus, it will conduct a countywide test of the Oakland County Outdoor Warning System on Wednesday, April 13 at 1:00 p.m.
During the 2015 severe weather season, there were 79 storm-based warnings issued for Southeast Michigan and 10 recorded tornadoes (the average is six). The warning lead time average was 18 minutes for all severe weather events.
“Homeland Security puts a lot of effort into educating individuals about severe weather safety and the Outdoor Warning System,” Homeland Security Division Manager Theodore Quisenberry said. “The April 13 siren test will be an opportunity for individuals, schools and businesses to test their emergency preparedness plans.”
For more information about emergency preparedness or Severe Weather Awareness Week, go to www.OakGov.com/HomelandSecurity. To reach Oakland County Homeland Security Division by phone, call 248-858-5300.