The City Beautiful Commission (CBC) recently announced the winner of the 1st Quarter Good Neighbor Award is Rochester resident Mark Olin.
The Good Neighbor Award program was created by the CBC to allow residents of Rochester to nominate an adult or youth for their good neighbor work. The award recognizes the ongoing efforts of Rochester residents who are making exceptional contributions to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods. The program is designed to honor those who make a difference in our community without seeking or receiving recognition for their service.
Mark was nominated on behalf of his efforts helping his neighbors with snow removal. According to the nomination, “Mark is a very kind and generous neighbor to many of us, who live on Griggs St. He is the first person on the block to offer a helping hand no matter what the problem, but especially during the snowy seasons. Mark will wake up early in the morning to plow the sidewalks for everyone living on his side of the street. If you are lucky to be his friend he will also, plow your entire driveway. Especially, during the major snow storms, he will make sure to come by for a second or third time to make sure the path is cleared, so that you are able to exit your driveway.”
The Rochester City Beautiful Commission was proud to present Mark with the award at the February 24th City Council meeting.
If you know someone who goes the extra mile to keep our city beautiful or helps a neighbor in need and feel this person deserves to be recognized for their contribution in the city, then fill out a nomination form and turn it in, it is that easy! Our city is beautiful because of the many good neighbors who continually go above and beyond! It is time to recognize those who make every day in Rochester a more beautiful day.
Those selected will be recognized quarterly at a City Council meeting. If you would like more information please contact Mark Panter, City Beautiful Commission Secretary at or 248-651-0515 or visit for a Good Neighbor Award nomination form.