Marsh View Park Newly Expanded Archery Range
In 2010, Marsh View Park Archery Range opened as a beginner range offering 10 universally accessible shooting lanes with a shooting maximum distance of 45 yards catering to children, organized groups and families. Feedback from residents, patrons and local archery enthusiasts concluded that many were interested in a more versatile range that would provide programs and shooting opportunities for all ages and abilities. With the expansion this year to 70 meters we now have the facility to offer a wide variety of programs from beginning to Junior Olympic, recreational and competitive leagues, school teams, special events and hosting USA sanctioned tournaments.

Explore Archery Camp
In addition to beginning and intermediate instructional archery programs, this spring we are offering one-day programs for youth:
The walking dead are coming Saturday, April 29, can you survive the Zombie Shoot? Create your own Zombie, and then head to the range to shoot monster targets and your Zombie. All equipment provided. (Ages 8+)
- Residents: $15
- Non-Residents: $20
- Saturday 4/29/17
- 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Want to learn to shoot an arrow like bow-slinging hero Katniss Everdeen? Join in on Saturday, May 13 at the Hunger Games Shoot. (Ages 8+)
- Residents: $15
- Non-Residents: $20
- Saturday 5/13/17
- 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Coming this Summer:
More Zombie Shoots, Hunger Games Shoots, and a new week-long Explore Archery Camp where you earn badges in a fun and playful atmosphere, a one-day, three-hour Explore Bow Hunting in partnership with MDNR, Adult and Youth Leagues and extended hours of Open Range Shoots where you can use our equipment for free and shoot for free.

Marsh View Park Newly Expanded Archery Range
All equipment provided and all programs taught by USA Archery certified instructors. Programs fill-up quickly so please contact us early.
Visit the Township’s Website for complete program information or call our office at 248-651-7810. Oakland Township Parks and Recreation, Paint Creek Cider Mill Bldg., 480 Collins Rd., Rochester, MI 48306.
Marsh View Park Archery Range, 3100 Clarkston Rd, Oakland, MI 48363.