Last week I lost it.
Two whole months had passed in which not a single week was “normal.” Between holidays, sick days, the cold and snow days, there was no rest for the weary (me). The kids were home more, and not being able to go outside was a combination I could not digest. All I really needed to keep sane was one 45 degree, sunny day to get everyone out. But as all of Michigan knows, that didn’t happen.
So I gave in and found a deal too good to pass up. I wrote in big letters on my chalkboard “I’M GOING TO TEXAS!” My excitement was obnoxious.
Maybe I failed this winter’s test because I created fourteen Lego Zamboni’s, and remade them 467 times after my two-year old dropped them. Or perhaps I gave in because I cracked my car bumper as it grazed the ice at the end of my driveway. Or maybe the breaking point was when I found my treadmill being utilized over break for fort making purposes.
Whatever the case, the result of my temporary insanity means I’m escaping this frigid tundra. Since I waited so late in the season to go, it is tempting to think that I should have just toughed it out. Ironically though, I learned a little life lesson out of all of this.
In times like these, it’s tempting to hunker down and passively wait for the weather to be better. Life’s storms also can be paralyzing, and make you want to give up. Every day seems as unrelenting as this winter has been, and it’s hard to want to endure it. But we are confronted with a greater calling, a purpose beyond just surviving this life.