Mayor Bryan K. Barnett Joins Mayors Delegation in Washington D.C.

Urges Senate to Include Nation’s Mayors at the Table to Reach Real Solutions

Rochester Hills Mayor Bryan K. Barnett joined a bipartisan group of mayors representing the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) to hold a press conference in the U.S. Capitol following meetings with key Senators to discuss a bipartisan way forward on the biggest issues of the day, including healthcare, infrastructure, and tax reform.

Mayor Bryan K. Barnett joined a bipartisan group of mayors representing the United States Conference of Mayors

Mayor Bryan K. Barnett joined a bipartisan group of mayors representing the United States Conference of Mayors

In addition to Mayor Barnett, mayors in attendance included USCM President and Mayor Mitch Landrieu of New Orleans, LA, USCM 2nd Vice President and Mayor Steve Benjamin of Columbia, SC, Mayor Greg Fischer of Louisville, KY, Mayor John Giles of Mesa, AZ, and Mayor Kim McMillan of Clarksville, TN.

The delegation of republican and democratic mayors, who represent major population centers across the country, was in Washington D.C. to emphasize bipartisanship and stress that policies emerging from Congress must put people first and should include mayors and local leaders at the drafting table as legislation is proposed in the three aforementioned and other areas that affect our mutual constituents.

The United States Conference of Mayors is the official non-partisan organization of cities with a population of 30,000 or larger

The United States Conference of Mayors is the official non-partisan organization of cities with a population of 30,000 or larger

“Mayors are on the ground and see the impact every day of these issues that are being discussed in Washington,” states Mayor Bryan K. Barnett. “All of us, regardless of party, the size of our city, or our personal politics, put people first to get results for our cities.”

The United States Conference of Mayors is the official non-partisan organization of cities with a population of 30,000 or larger with 1,408 such cities in the country today.

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