Michigan Public Radio’s Anne Curzan Visits Rochester Hills Public Library

Between You and Me A Linguist’s Guide to Language

Join Host and Linguist Anne Curzan, Thursday, November 9 at 7:00 p.m., to hear about her language pet peeves.

Photo of Anne Curzan

Michigan Public Radio’s Anne Curzan Visits Rochester Hills Public Library

Curzan will tackle topics like why we say what we say, how words like ‘funner’, ‘snuck’ and ‘lol’ are creeping their way into the English Language and take your questions.

“We’re excited to have a Michigan Radio Host join us for this exciting presentation,” says Community Relations Specialist Amanda Harrison Keighley, “Curzan’s insights and wit on the air are sure to translate to an unforgettable program for our patrons.” 

Registration is required. To register please visit calendar.rhpl.org. A valid RHPL Library Card is required.


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