Registration for the 2014 Michigan Senior Olympic Winter Games is now open until Monday, January 6, 2014. The events will take place throughout Oakland and Macomb Counties on Saturday, February 8 through Thursday, February 13, 2014. Events include: badminton, billiards, bocce ball, bowling, dancesport, hockey, pickleball, powerlifting, racquetball, and table tennis. The Michigan Senior Olympics are open to anyone age 50+.
Michigan Senior Olympics is a non profit organization that promotes healthy lifestyles by organizing state games, sports competitions, health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness programs for the over 50 population in the State of Michigan. MSO looks forward to an exciting time of competition and camaraderie. Many people participate for the competition while others play to just have fun!
If you are not an athlete we encourage you to check out the winter events. They are all free to watch (with the exception of the DanceSport event). The DanceSport Competition is held at the Royal Park Hotel on Sunday, February 9, 2013 where professional and amateur dancers compete on the dance floor. The evening will include a cash bar, buffet dinner, silent auction, and social dancing. Please contact the MSO office at 248-608-0252.
Another highlight of the Winter Games is the annual Ice Hockey Tournament held at the Troy Sports Center on Monday, February 10 through Wednesday, February 12, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. each day. The honorary chairperson for this event is Detroit Red Wings, hockey Hall of Fame member, Ted Lindsay. For a complete listing of the games schedule, visit
MSO is looking for sponsors and volunteers for both the upcoming winter games and the summer games (taking place in August). The Summer Games are considered a qualifier for the National Senior Games in 2015 in Minnesota. The Summer Games are expecting over 1,000 athletes.
There are many ways to be involved with Michigan Senior Olympics. You can be an athlete, a member, sponsor, volunteer, or spectator. For more information please call Becky Ridky at 248-608-0252 or email