Neighborhood House Deploys $100,000 Grant

Neighborhood House Immediately Deploys $100,000 Grant in Response to Dire Economic Impact of Coronavirus

Rochester Area Neighborhood House Logo

Rochester Area Neighborhood House

Neighborhood House, with a mission to walk with neighbors forging the path toward self-sustainability, is thrilled to receive a $100,000 grant from Oakland County and United Way for Southeastern Michigan. The nonprofit organization, serving the 100 square mile area of Rochester, Rochester Hills, Auburn Hills, Oakland Township, and Addison Township, delivers full service “wrap-around” alternatives to individuals and families experiencing financial hardships

Neighborhood House is one of 84 non-profit organizations who received a grant from the Oakland Together Community Response and Recovery Fund, set up by Oakland County in partnership with United Way for Southeastern Michigan, to support struggling non-profit organizations in the face of the COVID-19 emergency.

Providing a wide variety of essential services to the local community, Neighborhood House has seen a significant increase in demand during the past months due to job loss or decreased hours. “We have provided over 50,000 meals” says Kathy Losinski, Neighborhood House Executive Director. “During the entire Stay Home/Stay Safe order, the Neighborhood House Food Pantry has remained open but pivoted to offer a drive-thru model to keep our clients, volunteers, and staff as safe as possible. We are also delivering through a home food service to our most vulnerable households. Slowly, we are starting to re-open other long-established assistance opportunities – such as career mentoring, financial focus classes, and clothing at the Neighborhood House Clothes Closet.”

Battling lost revenue from cancelled fundraisers and increased need, Neighborhood House has set up a COVID-19 Emergency Fund. The fund’s goal is $914,000 to meet the needs of local households for the remainder of 2020. The $100,000 grant from the Oakland Together Community Response and Recovery Fund is a fortuitous, partial contribution toward that annual goal. The bulk of the grant is dedicated to direct client assistance, including rent money and car repair expenses. Neighborhood House will also purchase additional PPE, signage, and more protective safeguard equipment to keep facilities functioning during this difficult time. Neighborhood House will also be able to expand their Employment Initiative to meet the growing demand in the community.

Neighborhood House serves Rochester, Rochester Hills, Auburn Hills, Oakland Township and Addison Township. They provide rent and utility financial assistance, operate a Food Pantry and Clothes Closet, offer transportation services, provide counseling, facilitate many educational programs for families in need, and more. Last year, Neighborhood House’s programs helped over 3,000 households on their path from financial crisis to self-sustainability. 

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