New Actor’s Dressing Room Brings Big Cast for Groundbreaking

Donors Gather at Meadow Brook Theatre for Groundbreaking Ceremony

Meadow Brook Theatre (MBT) staff and key supporters gathered last week, on the campus of Oakland University, to break ground on a new actor’s dressing room. The group included the theatre’s Managing Director, Cheryl Marshall; Artistic Director, Travis Walter; Board President, Thom Foxlee; and members of the Meadow Brook Theatre Guild.

The group poses with a shovel infront of the current dressing room trailer

Managing Director, Cheryl Marshall; Artistic Director, Travis Walter; Board President, Thom Foxlee; and members of the Meadow Brook Theatre Guild Gather for the New Actor’s Dressing Room Groundbreaking Ceremony

Leading the groundbreaking was theatre-supporter Peggy Philippi, along with her father, George Karas. Karas, one of the first staff to be hired by Matilda Wilson for Oakland University, remembers taking part in the first groundbreaking at Oakland University in 1958, not far from the theatre’s current location. Philippi, along with her husband Ken, has been honored to carry on his legacy and commitment to the arts.

The former MBT actor’s dressing room, a trailer with more than 30 years of use and un-repairable damage, will be torn down with the construction of a new structure immediately following. Generous Meadow Brook Theatre patrons and donors, with the help of a 2:1 match from Oakland University, raised the funds for the construction.

For over 52 years, Meadow Brook Theatre has been a premier destination for Broadway quality theatre in Oakland County. Meeting the needs of equity actors is key to the theatre’s growth and continued success.

Development Director Andrea Walker-Leidy explains, “The realization of this project will ensure the future of our theatre as Michigan’s largest producing professional theatre, as it is imperative that we provide our actors with safe areas to prepare for their performances.”

A project completion date for the new actor’s dressing room has been scheduled for fall of 2018, just in time for the opening of Meadow Brook’s 53rd season.

To donate to this project, contact Andrea Walker-Leidy at 248-370-4991. 

Meadow Brook Theatre, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, which relies on philanthropy, is located on the campus of Oakland University in Rochester. For sponsorship information or more information about this event or MBT please visit or call 248-377-3300.

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