North Hill Elementary Students Excited to do Their Part for the Environment

North Hill Elementary, through the initiatives of the North Hill Helpers, received a grant through the Peace, Love & Planet organization to purchase two large capacity recycling bins. This grant submission was for a green-based project or idea requested by a student group.

Fifth-grade North Hill Helpers, Jaesong and Madison, pose with North Hill Principal Dave Murphy in front of their new recycling bins

Fifth-grade North Hill Helpers, Jaesong and Madison, pose with North Hill Principal Dave Murphy in front of their new recycling bins

“The new recycling bins have arrived and are ready for use,” said North Hill Principal Dave Murphy. “I am so proud of our students who care about the environment and want to make a difference.”

North Hill Helpers President Jaesong worked with the North Hill Green committee to apply for the grant. North Hill was selected as one of six schools across the nation to receive a Peace, Love & Planet grant.

The North Hill Helpers consist of fourth and fifth graders who work to find opportunities to enhance the school community.

“Programs, such as the North Hill Helpers, teach children the spirit of volunteering. The programs also provide students with hands-on experience so they can make a difference in the community in which they live,” said Executive Director of Elementary Education Michael Behrmann.

Peace, Love & Planet is an environmental non-profit organization which promotes nature appreciation and the conservation of Earth’s resources. Peace, Love & Planet supports student-led initiatives that address environmental concerns enabling young people to become part of the solution while contributing positively to our community.

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