Oakland Christian School Brings Robotics to Life

Oakland Christian School (OCS) robotics, now in its sixth year, has achieved an impressive 12 tournament champion titles. During the past three years, the team participated at the state level. They practice year-round with 20 students in grades 7-12.

Staying competitive requires funding to attend tournaments, purchase design elements, VEX metals, robot controllers, along with adapting to new games every year.

“Robotics encourages students to find solutions and developing critical thinking skills. STEM principles prepare students to become innovators,” said high school senior Avery Almy, during the team’s recent presentation to Theresa Doan, corporate social responsibility manager, at Genisys Credit Union.

Genisys Credit Union understands the importance of creating community partnerships as they currently sponsor 12 different robotics teams.

“We are excited to expand our commitment to include the OCS robotics team. I was so impressed with their presentation. Our sponsorship will continue to promote key skills of leadership, communication and team collaboration,” said Theresa Doan.

Oakland Christian School, located in Auburn Hills, is a private, non-denominational Christian school from preschool through grade 12. They draw students from Rochester, Rochester Hills, Oakland Township, and the surrounding area. The school offers a unique elementary (K-5) Spanish language immersion program, more than 20 varsity sports, an AP Capstone Diploma program, along with a rich variety of extracurricular and service activities.

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