Oakland County Captures Coveted Budget Award

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has awarded Oakland County its Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its three-year budget for fiscal years 2016-2018. The county has won every budget presentation award for which it has been eligible since 1984 when the GFOA initiated its award program. The county is eligible for this recognition every three years because of its multi-year budgeting practices.

“I’m proud of Laurie VanPelt, Lynn Sonkiss, and the management and budget team,” Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson said. “They have kept the record of achievement unbroken since 1984 when the GFOA established the Budget Presentation Award. This is no mean feat.”

The GFOA said it established the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to encourage and assist state and local governments to prepare budget documents of the very highest quality that reflect both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA’s best practices on budgeting. The award recognizes individual governments that succeed in achieving that goal.

“Real credit for this award goes to Fiscal Services Manager Lynn Sonkiss, Gaia Piir and the rest of the team in the Fiscal Services Division who really worked hard to put our budget document together,” said Laurie VanPelt, director of management & budget.

Piir is the chief of fiscal services. Fiscal Services team members include Ebru Adoglu-Jones, who was the document coordinator, and Dave Nelson, who provided technical support for the various queries and reports.

Oakland County was the first county in the nation to create a rolling three-year, line-item budget with a five-year outlook. Patterson calls it “thoughtful management versus crisis management” because the county’s budgeting practices allow it to identify potential budget issues on the horizon and solve them long before they become a problem. When reaffirming Oakland County’s AAA bond rating, Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service always cite the county’s three-year budget.

View the budget document.



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