Oakland County Clerk Update

At the Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds, we’ve met economic challenges head-on with pay cuts, $1 million in budget cuts and a 20-percent staff reduction. At the same time, our office was recently honored with six national awards – for a total of 14 national awards in just three years – recognizing our innovative efforts to save tax dollars, safeguard elections and improve efficiency.

There’s more good news. Our hard work with OPERATION: OUR TROOPS COUNT to make sure the votes of overseas troops get home in time to be counted on Election Day, has paid off. Legislation was recently signed to ensure that men and women willing to put their lives on the line defending democracy overseas are able to participate in it here at home.

Our Mobile Office continues to roll into neighborhoods across Oakland County. This no-frills service sets up shop in borrowed space, usually libraries, and provides on-the-spot copies of public records. We also kicked off our Library CARD Project, partnering with more than 30 local libraries to enhance online access to public records. For more information on both services, visit our website at www.oakgov.com/clerkrod.

As always, if we can be of service, please contact our office at (248) 858-0581 or clerk@oakgov.com.

Ruth Johnson

Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds


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