Oakland County Commissioner Beth Nuccio Seeks a Citizen to Serve on the Oakland County Senior Advisory Council

Oakland County Commissioner Beth Nuccio seeks one senior citizen or a resident interested in senior issues to serve on the Oakland County Senior Advisory Council. The Senior Advisory Council focuses on issues specific to senior citizens in Oakland County. The Oakland County Senior Advisory Council’s primary purpose is to advise the County Executive on the needs and services required by the elderly and to point out gaps in the elderly network. The Council meets on the third Monday of each month. The Senior Advisory Council representative appointed will serve a two-year term and represent the townships of Addison, Brandon, Groveland, Independence, and Oxford and the villages of Leonard, Ortonville and Oxford in District #1.

Responsibilities include attending monthly meetings and assisting with committee work. For more information, contact Commissioner Beth Nuccio at 248-543-8984 or by email at nucciob@oakgov.com. Application deadline is October 15, 2012. To request an application, call 248-858-4078 or obtain an application online go to www.oakgov.com/boc/ and click on the County Board, Committees and Commissions link.

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