Oakland County Officials to Discuss Measures to Curb Gun Violence

On Tuesday, January 22, 2012, at 10:00 a.m., former Police Chief and current Oakland County Commissioner, Bill Dwyer, (R-Farmington, Farmington Hills, Southfield Township, the Village of Beverly Hills, Bingham Farms and Franklin Village), and Oakland County Commissioner Marcia Gershenson (D-Farmington Hills, Bloomfield Township and West Bloomfield), will conduct a news conference to look at solutions to curb gun violence by strengthening background check laws. They will also look at the issue of mental health in relation to gun violence. A question and answer session will be conducted.

The news conference will take place at the West Bloomfield Police Department located at 4530 Walnut Lake Road in West Bloomfield.


  • Learn more about the resolutions proposed by Commissioners Bill Dwyer and Marcia Gershenson on the   gun violence issue and how they propose to address the mental health component to the issue of background checks and a source for funding effort.

  • Learn  about the Federal Bureau of Investigations national database’s National Background Information Check System and its use in the purchase of firearms.

  • Commissioners will look at what role technology and the electronic gaming industry have in  gun violence.

  • Learn about the potential benefits and funding proposal to aid in creating solutions on the issue of gun violence.

  • Learn about the proposal to form an Oakland County Study Group consisting of law enforcement, elected officials, community leaders and mental health professionals tasked with seeking solutions to curb the gun violence epidemic.

About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at info@rochestermedia.com.

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