Oakland County on Cusp of Ending Veteran Homelessness

Oakland County, Mich. is on the verge of ending veteran homelessness, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced today. The county’s Veterans’ Services Division is working hard with partner agencies to end veteran homelessness in Oakland County by the end of September. Now, the push is on to encourage landlords to be veteran-friendly because of a lack of available housing for the group.Oakland County Logo

Oakland County

“Our Veterans’ Services Division and partner agencies have been aggressively attacking the veteran homelessness issue in Oakland County and we are close to declaring that we have completed our mission,” Patterson said. “We are now confronting a lack of housing for our homeless veterans. I personally am putting out the call to Oakland County landlords to rent to homeless vets.”

Patterson is sending a letter to landlords urging them to join the effort by renting to a veteran. Those interested in being a veteran-friendly landlord may contact Leah McCall, the executive director of the Alliance for Housing, at 248-221-1854 or lmccall-alliance@oaklandhomeless.org.

Oakland County has taken part in the 100 Day Challenge to stamp out veteran homelessness and the Mayor’s Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness. In addition, The Veteran’s Services Division is part of a collaborative veteran homelessness task group which meets weekly to review each identified homeless veteran in Oakland County to ensure that they are receiving the housing support they need. To date, this collaborative has housed over 170 veterans and has identified an additional 30 veterans in need.

Veterans make up less than eight percent of the population, but represent 16 percent of homeless adults.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to all of our veterans,” Patterson said. “I’m counting on Oakland County’s landlords to help us reach our goal of ending veteran homelessness for good in our county.”

About Oakland County Veterans’ Services Division

Oakland County Veterans’ Services helps veterans and their families obtain and maintain all veterans-related benefits from federal, state, and local government agencies. The process of finding, applying for, receiving and maintaining veteran’s benefits can be confusing and frustrating. Their goal is to provide outstanding service to the more than 72,000 veterans and their families who reside in Oakland County by maximizing the receipt of veterans’ benefits and eliminating or reducing the frustration and confusion that go along with the process. They do so with highly-trained and professional staff members who are dedicated to serving veterans and their families.

To learn more, go to www.OakGov.com/veterans




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