Oakland County Parks Now Hiring

Job postings for a wide variety of seasonal park positions open as Oakland County Parks and Recreation (OCPR) gears up for its busy spring and summer seasons. Hundreds of jobs will need to be filled at OCPR’s campgrounds, aquatic facilities, golf courses and parks within the next few months.

Seasonal workers are eligible for a total of $500 in cash bonuses and also receive annual vehicle permits and a limited number of passes to enjoy various facilities. Positions start at $13.26/hour for individuals ages 16 and older and $14.52/hour for those over 18 years old.

Successful applicants will spend most of their time assisting guests outdoors at a variety of park facilities or providing recreation programs and events throughout Oakland County communities. Flexible schedules are available so seasonal and part-time employees are able to juggle other responsibilities and activities.

Current job postings focus on positions within OCPR’s park facilities. Additional opportunities to work at a waterpark, a wave pool or with Recreation Programs and Services, which offers programming for children and adults and operates mobile recreation opportunities like inflatables, games, climbing towers, archery range, and more, will open soon.

The parks system has experienced a surge of visitors in recent years as individuals and families sought opportunities to exercise, observe nature and take advantage of the health and wellness aspects of being outdoors. This has resulted in additional demand for parks helpers, maintenance crews, golf course workers, campground workers, lifeguards, and other positions.

Seasonal jobs are a great way to earn on-the-job experience for future careers in any field as well as to explore opportunities within the parks system. Many OCPR workers begin as seasonal workers and go on to become park supervisors, naturalists or hold other full-time, year-round positions in their area of interest. 

View complete job descriptions, salary ranges, application requirements and qualifications at OakGov.com/jobs. Learn more at OaklandCountyParks.com.

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