Oakland Federal Aid Committee Funds Road Projects

The Oakland County Federal Aid Committee, on Tuesday, February 9, selected road projects to be funded in 2019.  

The Funding Committee is made up of 14 members, including two from the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), one from the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), one from SMART and 10 representing the 61 cities, villages and townships in the county.  Projects were selected for 2019 funding through a majority vote.

Oakland Federal Aid Funding Committee

Oakland Federal Aid Funding Committee

The Committee also voted to move two projects previously selected for 2018 funding to 2019. The projects were moved back because the allocation of federal funding for 2018 was reduced from previous estimates. The two projects are:

  • Resurfacing 14 Mile Road from Woodward east to the CN Railroad on the Royal Oak/Birmingham border
  • Resurfacing 14 Mile from the CN Railroad east to Crooks in Royal Oak

The Funding Committee meets each February to select the projects that will receive federal road funding in the future.

Of the project the Committee selected for federal funding in 2019, most are major resurfacing projects; one provides funding for a total reconstruct in Wixom (West Road from Beck Road to the east Wixom city limits); and one is a gravel road paving project (to be identified at a later date by RCOC. The construction of the 14 Mile and Main Street intersection in Clawson was also selected for funding.

“The Committee had a tough task selecting 2019 projects,” stated RCOC Managing Director Dennis Kolar. “While these projects are far from the only roads needing attention in Oakland County, we are pleased that this federal funding is available for them.”

Kolar noted that nearly $82 million worth of resurfacing and reconstruction projects were submitted to the Funding Committee, while only $14.74 million could be awarded for 2019. “We continue to deal with 50 years of underfunding our road system; however, we remain committed to working with our Oakland communities and leaders to secure any available money to address this dire situation.”

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