Oakland Judge and Daughter Testify About Patriot Week

Oakland County, Michigan (May 4, 2011) – On Wednesday, May 4, 2011, co-creators of Patriot Week, Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Michael Warren, and his 12 year old daughter, Leah, will be testifying before Michigan State Senate and House committees regarding bills to permanently recognize Patriot Week. 

Patriot Week, beginning on September 11 (the anniversary of the terrorist attacks) and ending on September 17 (the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution – “Constitution Day”), renews the America’s spirit by celebrating the First Principles, Patriots, documents and flags that make America the greatest nation in world history.

“Understanding American history and America’s First Principles is indispensable to the survival of our republic as a free people, and Patriot Week is a nonpartisan, engaging way for everyone to reinvigorate our appreciation and understanding of America’s spirit.”  Judge Warren remarked.

“We are very grateful to have this opportunity to testify about Patriot Week before the House and Senate.” Leah Warren reflected. “Since we thought of the idea about two years ago, it has been enthusiastically received, and Patriot Week has been celebrated across the nation.  We are so proud of Michigan setting the mark and taking the lead on this really important annual celebration.” 

Since its founding just two years ago, Patriot Week has mushroomed to include scores of K-12 schools (public, charter, private, and home), universities, law schools, student groups, community organizations (Rotaries, Kiwanis, senior centers, religious, and others), cities, counties, courts, law firms, businesses, senior living communities, libraries, hospitals, historical groups, private homes, public officials, and others engage in a wide range of grassroots activities (including panel discussions, speakers, lesson plans, picnics, commemorations, etc.).  A Michigan founded and based effort, activities occur in New York, Ohio, Colorado, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Washington D.C., with more to come.

House Bill 4464 is scheduled for committee hearing before the House Committee on Military & Veterans Affairs & Homeland Security at 10:30A at 308 House Office Building in Lansing.  Representative Gail Haines is the primary sponsor.

Senate Bill 282 is scheduled for a committee hearing before the Senate Veterans, Military Affairs & Homeland Security Committee at 12:30 pm, Room 210 – Farnum Building, 125 W. Allegan in Lansing.  Senators John Pappageorge and Vincent Gregory are the primary sponsors.

To learn more about Patriot Week, visit PatriotWeek.org.

About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at info@rochestermedia.com.

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