Explore Archery Aiming To Create a Fun Environment for Motivated Archers
Explore Archery is a new and innovative archery education program focused on introducing beginners to the lifelong sport of archery. In Explore Archery, campers earn achievement awards through active participation in individual and team-building activities that require fundamental skills, a competitive edge, and a bit of creativity – not based on campers’ athletic abilities or their capabilities to shoot a perfect score. It is fun, rewarding, developmentally progressive and – most important – safe.
For more information, please contact Oakland Township Parks and Recreation at 248-651-7810 or online at www.oaklandtownship.org.

Explore Archery Camp this summer in Oakland Township
Camp Location:
Marsh View Park
3100 E. Clarkston Rd
Rochester, MI 48363
Camp Date:
Monday, July 31, 2017 –Friday, July 4, 2017, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.