Oakland Township Clean Scene May 6

48th Annual Clean Scene – Saturday, May 6, 2017

Each year residents help to clean township roads of the debris uncovered when winter’s snow carpet finally melts. The event begins with registration, bag pick up and coffee at the Township Hall. Volunteers spread out to assigned roads for trash collection. Filled bags are left on the side of the road and other volunteers drive their personal vehicles to carry the bags back to the trash compactor waiting in the Township Hall parking lot.

Annual Clean Scene Event in Oakland Township

Annual Clean Scene Event in Oakland Township

After gathering trash for several hours, all the volunteers gather for lunch and camaraderie back at Town Hall. Residents who are unable to attend this year’s event can do their part by keeping the roadside along their own property clear of debris. Remember to take a plastic bag along for spring and summer walks and collect the trash tossed by careless motorists.

Anyone can volunteer. Youth and scout groups are welcome and can earn community service credits. Please wear hard soled shoes, work gloves and clothes appropriate for the weather conditions. Clean Scene is a rain or shine event.

Get involved, gather your groups, friends, and co-workers to improve the appearance of township roads, and get to know your neighbors.


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