Oakland Township Invites Preschoolers to Come Out and Help Hunt for Magical Leaves

Autumn is a favorite time of the year to explore the parks. The animals are actively preparing for winter and the scenery is erupting with color and movement as the winds blow painted leaves around. This magical time of the year is perfect to go out and collect materials to put together for works of art. Each child will be given a magic wand and taught a special spell to help stir up the wind to blow leaves down to the ground to collect. Once enough leaves are collected, they will be transformed into fox collages before reading a short story all about how special autumn is, while enjoying a healthy seasonal snack.

colorful leaves in autumn forest

colorful leaves in autumn forest

Register by October 24

$8 Resident/Member and $10 Non-Resident/Non-Member

Gallagher Creek Park

2780 Silverbell Road

Rochester, MI 48306

Friday, October 26, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

To register, call the Oakland Township Parks and Recreation office at 248-651-7810.

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