Oakland Township Parks and Recreation Summer Camps

Sponsored by Oakland Township’s Parks and Recreation Millage

Oakland Township Parks Recreation Commission is excited about offering our first-ever multiple summer day camp opportunities to our resident and greater Rochester area kids and teens.

Explore Archery Camp

Explore Archery Camp

EXPLORE ARCHERY camp is a new and innovative archery education program focused on introducing beginners to the lifelong sport of archery. In Explore Archery, campers earn achievement awards through active  participation in individual and team-building activities that require fundamental skills, a competitive edge and a bit of creativity – and not based on campers’ athletic abilities or their capabilities to shoot a perfect score. USA Archery sanctioned.

USA Archery sanctioned

USA Archery sanctioned

EXPLORE BOW HUNTING camp is an outdoor conservation education program focusing on interaction with people and wildlife. Not only does Explore Bow hunting teach students how to interact with nature using ageless hunting skills, but it also teaches an appreciation of what is around them and enhances their encounters with the outdoors. Michigan Department of Natural Resources sanctioned.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources sanctioned

Michigan Department of Natural Resources sanctioned

Outdoor Skills Camp will introduce a variety of fun outdoor activities including archery, kayaking, and fishing (catch and release), and basic survival skills like reading a map and recognizing your surroundings, fire starting, and shelter building, obtaining drinkable water, and wild plant identification and animal observation. 

The Wild Kids of Lost Lake will join Dinosaur Hill naturalists for three days of outdoor adventures surrounding mystical Lost Lake. Participate in the largest arcade game ever, take a hand at launching water rockets and water balloons, go on a bug and amphibian hunt, have a frog catching contest, and learn how to expertly reel in a fish. Everyday will be filled with science and nature. In partnership with Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve. 

For more information including park locations, camper age level, cost and how to register, please visit our website www.oaklandtownship.org or call the Parks and Recreation office at 248-651-7810.

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