Oakland Township Kicks Off 2020-2024 Parks, Recreation, and Land Preservation Master Plan Activities
Oakland Township welcomes everyone’s help in shaping the goals, objectives and projects in the Township’s 2020 – 2024 Parks, Recreation, and Land Preservation Master Plan.
The Public Is Invited To Participate In Several Ways
- Take part in the online Opinion Survey which is available through October 9. If you prefer a hard copy you can stop by the Parks and Recreation Office, second floor, Paint Creek Cider Mill, 4480 Orion Road.
- Drop in to the Master Plan Open House: October 23, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. or 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Oakland Township Hall, 4393 Collins Road. The review and discussion of the proposed 5-year master plan will be facilitated by professional parks and recreation planners from Carlisle Wortman Associates. This open house will also give everyone the opportunity to comment on signage designs for the entire parks system and plans for upcoming trailhead improvements at Paint Creek Junction Park.
- Visit the Parks and Recreation Page on the Township website for current information on the planning process, to review and comment upon draft planning documents as they are available, and to find out about upcoming public meetings.