Oakland Township Supervisor Race

Oakland Township has one of the only contested races going on for the August 2 State Primary Election in our three-community area. Supervisor Gonser is the incumbent, and faces two challengers on Tuesday. Mike Bailey, current Trustee and former member of the Planning Commission and Andy Zale, current Chairman for the Parks and Recreation Commission, are seeking to move up in the political chain in Oakland Township, MI. this election cycle.

Candidates for TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR for ONE 4-year term

Who is the Best Candidate? Rochester Media will let them tell you directly:

Andy Zale?

Andy Zale

Andy Zale

Vote Andy Zale for Supervisor on August 2. After reaching out to and listening to thousands of residents, I plan to end wasteful spending and preventable mistakes. I plan to restore our focus to public safety and smart infrastructure improvements by finding solutions to our road and water issues. And I plan to fight for lower taxes and less government by focusing on important issues and avoiding the personal attacks and pettiness. Oakland Township needs a new supervisor who can cooperate with our elected officials.  With your support we can restore Oakland Township to the right path.  www.andyzale.com


Mike Bailey?

Mike Bailey

Mike Bailey

I am the best candidate for Supervisor of Oakland Township because I believe I am best able to maintain what the majority of our Township residents want most. They want Oakland Township’s government to ensure Oakland Township’s Rural Character is maintained. I am the candidate best able to do this because I understand what it takes to retain Rural Character.  It has two components: Minimum Commercial Development and a vibrant Parks system assuring green space for future generations to love. I am best able to retain Rural Character because first, I have the most relevant Oakland Township Government experience—20 years on its Planning Commission and am now serving my 8th year as Trustee on the Oakland Township Board of Trustees. Second, I have proven leadership that encourage and nurture best efforts from people I work with. Third, I am well respected by all employees in Oakland Township Hall, and its Fire and Sheriff Departments.  Fourth, I have an excellent relationship and am endorsed by the majority of the members in all Township Commissions-Parks and Recreation, Planning, Historic District, Safety Path and Trails, and Board of Trustee members, Langlois, Reilly, Buxar, Ferriolo, and Giannangeli. www.mikebaileysupervisor.com

Terry Gonser?

Did not respond by time of publication. Edit: Please read comments below

About Michael Dwyer

Michael Dwyer is a freelance content provider. Michael writes about happenings in the Rochester area, travels across Michigan and destinations around the world. Contact him at michael@rochestermedia.com.


  1. Mr. Dwyer
    I did not respond because I was never contacted to offer my vision. Since it is now late into the Election Day, I will only comment that there is only one candidate who made promises to the residents in 2012 and delivered on them. That is Terry Gonser. That is why all township meetings are televised, all vital information is now on line and taxes have been reduced each of the last three years. I am also the only candidate who has advocated for all our residents. I have the vision, the experience and the drive to deliver an all around better future for our township.

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