Rochester resident, Douglas Gould, 52, has announced his campaign for Rochester City Council. Gould, a Rochester resident since 2012, lives on 2nd Street in downtown Rochester with his wife and two daughters.
“I’m running for City Council because I want to bring balance to the group; I seek to bring a progressive voice to Rochester City Council – I’m interested in better linking Oakland University with our community, revisiting public transportation for Rochester, and in making sure none of our citizens are left behind as Rochester continues to evolve. We must prioritize maintaining Main Street as pedestrian and pet-friendly, a main street that is accessible and available to all and one that functions as a destination, not simply a pass through. I live two blocks off Main Street, my family and I walk there several times each week; we rely on it for almost all of my family’s entertainment, dining and leisure needs. Such proximity gives me perspective on the importance of our City as the downtown for a host of nearby communities.” He wants to make sure that Main St. is accessible to seniors and wants to explore the establishment of public transportation to make sure the City is accessible and inclusive for all.
Gould serves as a Professor and Chair of the Department of Foundational Medical Studies at the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine (OUWB). Last year he leveraged this position to get faculty from Oakland University to speak with Rochester residents regarding 5G technology and has worked to broker conversations between OUWB and multiple businesses and entities in the City. “I want the City of Rochester to continue to grow closer Oakland University and OUWB – I want my fellow citizens to recognize that this is their school and their medical school, for the betterment of both communities working and growing together.”
After graduating from Michigan State University and earning his doctorate from Wayne State University, he moved away for several years, but was drawn back to his beloved home state of Michigan. When he learned of the opportunity to help start the new medical school at Oakland, he jumped at the chance to come back. He has earned a host of awards, is the author/editor of 10 books and some 35 publications, and was recently named a Fellow of the American Association for Anatomy, but derives his greatest satisfaction from his leadership roles at OUWB and for the City. Gould formerly chaired the City’s Compensation Committee, currently serves on the OPEB Board and on the governing Board of the OPC. “I was always taught that we have an obligation to serve the various communities in which we live – those include our family, work, and our City. Service to me means putting in effort, doing the work, being deliberate, and putting in the hours to try to help our communities and all of those within them prosper.”
“I very much look forward to meeting everyone in the City of Rochester and am hopeful that you will give me the chance to work hard for our City,” Gould said.