Oakland University, The Mayor, and The Circle of Life

While he may not be “The Lion King,” Mayor Bryan Barnett of Rochester Hills feels extremely honored to have been selected by his alma mater as the “Outstanding Young Alumni of The Year” last week. Barnett credits Oakland University as being responsible not only for his foundational education, but also for his interest and involvement in politics. During his time at Oakland University, Barnett was elected Student Body President. He never lost his interest in being involved in that form of leadership. As a student, Barnett was instrumental in establishing the Disney Internship Program at Oakland University and was one of the first students to partake in the program, working with Disney while completing his undergraduate degree. As any visitor to his office at City Hall will quickly notice, his wall has diplomas from Oakland University, Harvard, and of course Disney, proudly displayed. “I am proud of my past and I look forward to working with Oakland University in the future,” Barnett adds. “They are entering their fifteenth year of record enrollment:  over 19,000 students, more than 100 Bachelor programs, and over 100 Graduate programs. The University is an emerging institution of National recognition.”  Barnett appeared as a guest speaker Wednesday night in Leonard Magro’s Social Media Marketing class at Oakland University.   Magro commented, “I thought it would be good for the Mayor to come in and speak about how government is using social media today as well.”  In the last three years, the Mayor has revamped the city’s website and added a formal Twitter and Facebook page for the city as well.  Mayor Barnett went on to say that the medical school at Oakland University, currently under construction at the campus, has already had over 3000 applicants for the 50 openings they will have. The addition of a complete medical school will further enhance Oakland University’s ability to serve its students and the community better.

About Tom and Ann Gendich

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