OPC Annual Charity Event will be a Gatsby Gala

Older Persons’ Commission’s 14th Annual Charity Event Announces 2016 Theme: A Gatsby Gala

Celebrate the roaring 20’s at this year’s 14th Annual Older Persons’ Commission’s (OPC) Charity Event on Friday, April 29 at the Royal Park Hotel. Benefiting OPC’s Meals on Wheels, A Gatsby Gala will feature an exquisite dinner by the Royal Park Hotel chefs, and dancing with the amazing Henry Ford Big Band. The event is being presented by Sanctuary at Bellbrook.

A Gatsby Gala to Benefit the OPC

A Gatsby Gala to Benefit the OPC

Something new this year will be “The Great Grab Bag” ,OPC’s unique spin on the traditional raffle, giving guests the chance to take home one-of-a-kind gifts. “The Great Grab Bag is a great way to go home with an amazing gift and give back to Meals on Wheels,” said Alysa Hunton, OPC Development Manager. “Each bag will have a value of at least $50. Many of the items will be worth much more giving each person the opportunity to win big!”

This year’s Charity Event hopes to raise $100,000 for OPC’s Meals on Wheels. The Meals on Wheels program at OPC provides home delivered and site meals to homebound or disabled seniors, and served a record number of 116, 151 meals to area seniors in 2015.

Tickets to OPC’s Charity Event are $150. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 248-608-0251. Sponsorship opportunities are available until March 4. For more information on sponsorships, contact Alysa Hunton at 248-608-0259 or alysa_hunton@opcseniorcenter.org.

OPC is Michigan’s premier senior community center dedicated to the physical, intellectual and emotional well-being of Rochester, Rochester Hills and Oakland Township residents who are 50+.In addition to “Meals on Wheels,” the OPC offers many resources through its Health and Wellness Department, Adult Day Services, support groups and much more. All of the services offered by the OPC are designed to help individuals 50 and older age in place, stay connected to the community around them, and maintain their independence. For more information on the OPC, visit www.opcseniorcenter.org, become a fan on facebook or call 248-656-1403.


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