OPC Essential Services Continue During Covid-19

In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Older Persons’ Commission (OPC) in Rochester continues to provide essential services to vulnerable, frail, and homebound seniors. While the OPC facility is closed for daily recreational usage, our staff and a handful of dedicated volunteers have significantly increased output of the critical services, which are at the core of OPC’s mission.

The OPC continues to prepare and deliver Meals on Wheels five days a week (5 hot + 2 frozen for the weekend), and the number of daily clients has understandably increased. Meals on Wheels has also increased supplemental frozen meals and shelf-stable meals to all clients to ensure food security. These meals and the wellness check provided through daily delivery are a crucial tool for providing insight about the health and wellness of these sometimes-isolated seniors. The OPC provides Meals on Wheels for northeastern Oakland County, preparing & delivering hot, nutritious meals to seniors 60+ regardless of income. In response to COVID-19, Meals on Wheels has expanded to include not only the qualifying senior, but also any dependents living with them at this point in time. So if there are, say grandparents that have grandchildren living with them while parents are working the front lines, the minors can also receive meals.

To minimize outside exposure the Meals on Wheels program has been expanded during this time to service seniors as well as family members or caregivers living in the same household Meals on Wheels remains available for new, short-term, or temporary referrals. The OPC welcomes new clients and intends to continue servicing existing clients.

Transportation services for those 60+ and for adults with a disability also continue for grocery and essential medical purposes only. Since March 16, OPC’s Transportation Department has provided over 2,700 trips, primarily for critical dialysis appointments. This service currently runs Monday through Saturday.

The OPC Senior Resources Department is also providing increased care. In addition to referrals for senior services such as home care, medical supplies, food assistance, in-home services, Medicare/Medicaid, counseling and other necessary services, our staff has conducted thousands of reassurance calls to seniors, providing comfort and information for those who may be particularly confused or scared.

The OPC intends to remain responsive to the needs of our most-vulnerable population in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our senior health and wellness are our utmost concern. For questions on any of these programs, please call 248-608-0249.

OPC is Michigan’s premier community center dedicated to the physical, intellectual and emotional well-being of Rochester, Rochester Hills and Oakland Township residents who are 50+. In addition to “Meals on Wheels,” the OPC offers many resources through its Adult Day Services, support groups and much more. All of the services offered by the OPC are designed to help individuals age 50 and older in place stay connected to the community and maintain their independence. For more information on the OPC, visit www.opcseniorcenter.org or call 248-656-1403.

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