The Rochester Garden Club presented the 2015 Beautification Award to the Older Persons’ Commission (OPC), 650 Letica Drive, Rochester, during the club’s October 13 meeting. The attractive garden, developed by Nancy Szerlag, local speaker and newspaper columnist, is an asset to the grounds of OPC. Nancy and the volunteers, who dub themselves “The Late Bloomers,” designed, planted and maintain the garden. Plans are underway to expand the garden next year.
This annual Rochester Garden Club award is presented for outstanding public gardens in the greater Rochester area. Honorable mention letters were also sent to Beacon Hill Apartments, Great Oaks Welcome Center, The Village Mall of Rochester Hills, Rochester Fire Department on Second Street, Downtown Café, Marathon Station, Village Green Apartments, Penny Black, Rochester Mills Brewery, Chili’s and Mercy Bellbrook. Visit New members welcome!