Orion Road Bridge Ready to Open, Lane Closures to Continue

Orion Road Bridge Nears Completion - Photo by Michael Dwyer

Orion Road Bridge Nears Completion – Photo by Michael Dwyer

Rumor Has It …

The Orion Road Bridge over the Paint Creek in Oakland Township is near completion. The final layers of asphalt are being laid this week. The original completion date was set for August 1, and then it was changed to August 15. Site workers suggested it would open by this Friday, August 22, while township employees heard the rumor was August 25. The short answer is, soon.

Project Details

The project involves the removal and replacement of the existing bridge, which was constructed in 1922 and is functionally obsolete and structurally deficient. The project includes reconstructing the roadway approaches to the bridge 200 feet on either side of the bridge and the placement of curbs, gutters and guardrails along the approaches. Drainage improvements will be made along the approaches as well. New bridge will include a 10-foot wide pedestrian path on the west side of the bridge deck. Additionally, the pedestrian path will be extended north of the bridge to the cider mill driveway. Some stream bank stabilization will be included near the bridge.

Waiting for the Asphalt Truck - Orion Road Bridge Due to Open Soon - photo by Michael Dwyer

Waiting for the Asphalt Truck – Orion Road Bridge Due to Open Soon – photo by Michael Dwyer

Cost and Funding

This bridge replacement project is expected to cost $1.92 million. Federal funds will cover 95 percent of the cost. The remainder will be paid for by Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) and Oakland Township.

Orion Road Lane Closures

Whenever the bridge opens, commuters will still experience traffic issues as the RCOC continues work on resurfacing Orion Road. The roadwork started in July and is scheduled to continue into September, with the project being fully completed by mid-November.

Traffic Impacts

The road will remain open to two-way traffic at all times, though there will be lane closures, with traffic directed by flaggers. Motorists should expect delays.

Orion Road Details

This project involves resurfacing two sections of Orion Road. The first section runs from Flint Street in the Village of Lake Orion to Adams Road in Oakland Township (including the portion that runs through Orion Township). The second section runs from Snell Road in Oakland Township to Rochester Road in Rochester Hills.

The project will involve milling the existing pavement in curb areas and pavement surface repairs followed by resurfacing with one-and-a-half inches of asphalt. Additionally, guardrail will be replaced where needed, one drainage culvert will be replaced under the road and centerline rumble strips will be added.

Orion Road Cost and Funding

The project is expected to cost more than $800,000. It was selected by the state Legislature to receive a grant from the state’s Roads and Risk Reserve Fund, which is covering most of the cost. The remainder will be paid for by RCOC.

About Michael Dwyer

Michael Dwyer is a freelance content provider. Michael writes about happenings in the Rochester area, travels across Michigan and destinations around the world. Contact him at michael@rochestermedia.com.

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