OUCARES hosting event focused on building self-esteem in children with autism March 10
OUCARES, the outreach services division of the Oakland University Center for Autism, on Thursday, March 10 will be hosting an Evening Enrichment event geared towards building self-esteem in a child with autism.
The event will feature presenter Ron Sandison, an adult with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and author of “A Parent’s Guide to Autism,” and will begin at 6 p.m. in the Lake Michigan Room of the Oakland Center.
The event, which is designed for parents and caregivers of children with autism, is also open to educators, therapists, social workers and those interested in building self-esteem in an individual with ASD.
During the presentation, Sandison will offer tips about cultivating a positive self-image in a child with autism through different methods that include:
· Helping your child overcome all or nothing thinking
· The impact of emotional memories on child with autism’s self-esteem
· Regulating emotions by understanding your feelings and sensory issues
· Developing confidence to develop and maintain healthy relationships
· Breaking destructive thinking patterns
· Freedom from obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors
· Acceptance to be one’s self
· Praise as a motivational tool for empowering your child
Kristin Rohrbeck, director of OUCARES, said the center’s Evening Enrichment series offers the autism community no-cost events to learn about specific autism-related topics every month from noteworthy presenters.
“It is especially important for OUCARES to highlight the achievements of people on the spectrum, like Ron Sandinson, during these Evening Enrichment presentations,” Rohrbeck said.
“We are hoping that people on the spectrum will especially enjoy Ron as a presenter because he not only has a great message to share about building self-esteem, but because he also inspires others through his own story of success.”
For more information about OUCARES, visit www.oucares.oakland.edu or call 248-370-2424.